EU/Competition Law
Commercial Rights
Employment Law
Media Rights
Integrity – Financial Corruption
Disciplinary Procedures
Participation and Safety
The Sports Law Yearbook identifies and reviews developing trends in the sports law markets of the UK, Ireland and Europe. To this end, the tone of the Yearbook is such to ensure that it is accessible to people from all backgrounds without sacrificing the accuracy or depth of the information.
We hope the Sports Law Yearbook will be of interest and use to students, academics, athletes, coaches, the media, sports business professionals, sports administrators, in-house counsel and lawyers around the world.
The Sports Law Yearbook will be available in digital and hard copy form.
The digital version is free of charge to LawInSport Plus Yearly and British Association for Sport and Law members.
The Yearbook is free to all LawInSport Plus members with an annual subscription. Non-members can purchase a copy here.
We would like to sincerely thank all of our authors who contributed towards this Yearbook for their enthusiasm, energy, expertise and professionalism in working with us throughout the process.